There are well-known items to avoid your teeth from becoming stained. Coffee and smoking are two of the most popular, but there are other harmful substances that can damage the surface of your teeth and make them become that unattractive yellow color that patients do their best to steer clear of. Here are some foods and drinks that your dentist in Middlesex wants you to think twice about before using.


People believe that just because they avoid drinking coffee and switch to tea means that they’re off the hook, but that’s not the case. Tea is still a dark liquid, much like coffee. Many different kinds of tea have tannin in them, which is also in wine, and it is notorious for damaging the surface of your teeth. If you’re unable to avoid tea altogether, then try drinking more water in your daily regimen, while also brushing your teeth when you’re finished.


Since it’s summer and nothing feels better than a handle of fresh berries, it’s easy to pop these in your mouth for a quick snack or add them to a meal. But berries have the ability to damage your enamel, as well, since they have a large amount of color pigments within them. You’ve seen how easy they can stain clothes and other surfaces—why would your teeth be any different?


Cough Drops
Even though these are beneficial for your throat doesn’t mean you should substitute it if you have a sweet tooth. Cough drops do the same damage to your teeth that other candies do because you’re sucking out the flavors, which are sticking to your mouth and teeth. Also, make sure you don’t bite down on these! They can cause chips or cracks on your teeth, maybe without your knowledge, which can cause serious damage down the road!


If you’re wondering what other foods and drinks could be doing more damage to your mouth than you previously knew, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist in Middlesex at (732) 356-1606 to schedule an appointment today!

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