Foods that Can Brighten Your Smile

Integrate These Foods Suggested by Your 08846 Dentist for a Healthier Smile

When it comes to your dental care and its relationship to food, we commonly find many lists of some of your favorite meals that aren’t good for your smile. It can be discouraging to note all the delicious and tasty foods that are harmful to your teeth. Instead of that, your 08846 dentist lists all the foods that ARE good for your teeth, as well as the benefits that they provide. Knowing this list can help you incorporate these foods into your daily diet and help you smile more, too.
These sweet fruits contain an enzyme that’s called malic acid. As you eat them, the strawberries that encounter your teeth and the malic acid can help remove dull and yellow stains, working to make your smile brighter. Strawberries are quite acidic in nature, so try not to overdo it, but enjoying a small batch occasionally will benefit both your diet and smile.
Carrots and Celery
These two veggies may not have a lot of flavor to them, but they work to naturally clean and floss your teeth as you’re eating them. They also increase saliva stimulation, which serves as your mouth’s self-cleaning agent. If you’re dealing with bad breath, try snacking on a few of these veggies to remove the built-up bacteria and potentially get rid of the smell.
Yogurt, Milk and Cheese
Dairy products contain lactic acid that can help protect your teeth against bacterial build-up and eventually tooth decay. The protein found in most yogurt works together with your teeth by binding and preventing attacks from acid attacks. Hard cheeses are also great for teeth whitening, as they can help remove food particles that are trying to hide in between the hard-to-reach places.
Looking for more helpful tips to both improve your diet and your smile? Give your 08846 dentist a call today at (732)-356-1606 to schedule your appointment or consultation.
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